Pablo’s Pablum # 3

Jet-setter Deborah Stevenson has traveled far and wide, both geographically and artistically. Having lived in Washington, Japan, and both the west and east coasts back stateside, it’s apparent from these photographs that she has seen some of our planet’s rarer delights.


“Take your stinking paws off of me, you damned dirty ape!”

Even after years of Academia and personal involvement in some of the art world’s most elite circles, it’s refreshing to know you still haven’t seen it all. Miss Stevenson uses a rare form of art called collage, which I have to admit, I’ve never heard of. Continue reading

Editorial: The Comedy So Serious! Team

The staff at Comedy So Serious! has requested that I, your humble editor and founder of this enterprise, introduce them more directly to you, the readers. Naturally, I resisted, but their persistent onslaught of melancholic glances, and loud, heavy-hearted sighs wore me down. And so, it is with reserved pleasure that I introduce to you the Comedy So Serious! team, in no particular order:

Deegan H. – Editor in Chief


Unrelenting journalistic integrity.

After many long years investigating the internet, your esteemed editor left his apartment and met several actual, living, breathing human beings at a local coffee-shop. Instantaneous synergy propelled a conversation into an idea, into an action, and finally into yet another relatively unimportant vortex on the infinite map of the interwebs.

Pablo V. III – MFA

After eight years as an undergraduate at an illustrious college, which for legal reasons requested not to be associated with the aforementioned, Pablo V. III then attended a community college workshop entitled, Art: Mastering the Masters.


No painting too big, no miniature too small… Critic Maestro Extraordinaire

Continue reading

Monday Miasma # 2

The inescapable reality of Monday… The weekend’s own, personal, recurring zombie-apocalypse.


Jazz Hands!

Carrie Brownstein, give us the strength to forge ahead… Scream your discontent on behalf of the voiceless masses, sipping their coffee, brows furrowed, head filled with fog…


Beautiful Screamer, scream a little scream for me…

For this, too, shall pass…

Gifs via: here and here

Gif Not Now, Then When? # 3

As the weekend draws to a close, and the shattered pieces of our lives are reassembled just in time for work tomorrow…


W-O-R-K 2-MRW ?!?!?!

We would like to draw your attention to the following Public Service Announcement to encourage you through the Sunday evening doldrums.


P.lese A.nd now.

As Soapface himself is fond of saying, “The weekend lives on in our hearts.” Goodnight and goodluck!

Gifs via: here and here

Food Me Once, Shame On Me… # 2

For food lovers, critics, and connoisseurs alike, the business of eating is also its own pleasure. But what about being eaten?


I-Scream Cake

Sculptor Scott Hove has concocted a rare treat with his confectionary creatures. Working in the kitchen of collective nightmares, baking beasts to appease our most gluttonous fears, Mr. Hove stimulates the appetite while simultaneously vanquishing the desire to put your face anywhere near these delicacies.



As a general rule of thumb, I try to avoid eating anything that may have at one time been possessed by evil spirits. But in this case, I’d be willing to make an exception.


This is not OK…

Images via: here, here, and here.

Freaky Friday! # 1

It’s Freaky Friday y’all…

Let's get weird!

We here at Comedy So Serious! have been called many a name, truth be told, and some of them we like. Take weird, for example. Or, better yet, see some right here. Presenting Major Lazer’s “Keep it Going” directed by the unbearably fantastic Eric Wareheim.

Editor’s Note: In many ways this could be deemed NSFW!!!

May your Fridays be freaky, and your weekends even weirder.

Views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of Comedy So Serious! 

Gif Not Now, Then When? # 2

The Giant-Robot-Crusher of mediocrity… Slayer of Wednesday! Fact or fiction? I’ll let you decide…


Because I can!

Whilst Thursday rains down upon thee!!!


All day, every day.

Editor’s note: No weekdays were harmed in the making of these gifs.

Views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of Comedy So Serious!

(Gifs via: here and here.)

Editorial: Weather is Horrifying

Go ahead… I’ll give you a moment.


Never again.

What you are seeing is a Gif of a normal weather-front moving over a city. Typically, us terrestrial creatures aren’t afforded such a terrifying vantage point, but with the advent of the internet we have now become aware of this profoundly serious issue. I can only hope that the authorities who should be aware of this have been made so.

(Gifs via: here)

Food Me Once, Shame on Me… # 1

We here at Comedy So Serious!, like you, require sustenance in order to sustain our sustainable models. Nourishment for the heart, as well as the face and mouth. What am I talking about? Well, let me be specific!

Enter: The Squo-nut!


That quadrilateral looks Quadrilicious!

I can’t speak for everyone, but the Comedy So Serious! team absolutely “Goes nuts… for Squo-nuts!” That’s right, introducing Squo-nuts, the Square Doughnut! Because everybody knows, circles are for squares! 

(Paid advertising by Squonuts and Squonuts Inc.)

Editors Note: Views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of Comedy So Serious!

(Images via: here)