Pablo’s Pablum # 3

Jet-setter Deborah Stevenson has traveled far and wide, both geographically and artistically. Having lived in Washington, Japan, and both the west and east coasts back stateside, it’s apparent from these photographs that she has seen some of our planet’s rarer delights.


“Take your stinking paws off of me, you damned dirty ape!”

Even after years of Academia and personal involvement in some of the art world’s most elite circles, it’s refreshing to know you still haven’t seen it all. Miss Stevenson uses a rare form of art called collage, which I have to admit, I’ve never heard of. My suspicion is that we may be seeing the first wave of an entire “collage” movement.


Booba Diver?

Looking at the above “collage,” I am awed by the contrasting light sources on either model, and mesmerized by the disparate color palettes. It must have cost an impish King’s fortune to stage and shoot these pictures.


Seems like it would have been easier to cut out different pictures and paste them together, but hey…

While it may be inevitable that collage, a mysterious and hitherto undocumented phenomena, becomes mainstream in the photography world, it remains to be seen how the larger art community reacts to this thrilling and recent development.

Pablo V. III MFA


Images via:here

2 comments on “Pablo’s Pablum # 3

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    • Deegan H. says:

      Thank you for your kind words! As you may have noticed, the site has been inactive for a while, but I’ll be posting again soon after a bit of rebranding! Same basic gist, but there are some exciting new formats for thoughtful, irreverent comedy coming soon! Thanks again, and take care!

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