Sunday Always Comes Too Late # 1

Feel free to play this song aloud as you scroll to set the appropriate, thoughtful tone best for viewing utter nonsense…

That’s right, gentle readers, it’s Sunday morning. The workweek rears its ugly head, but rally your strength! Dig deep! Wipe the cosmos from thine eyes!


Welcome back…

Like the Ninja, ever vigilant, be on alert for weekend possibilities!


Fancy meeting you Geishas here… Saki?

For the open road awaits, leading to an unknown destination full of… unknowns.

open road

Are we there yet?

Every moment like a pearl, painfully, excruciatingly regurgitated by an unwitting being whose toils will be exploited without thanks… That’s what moments are like for us…


“Time” to go to the ophthalmologist? Huh? Yeah?

And so we must go forth with zest into the fray! To beat back the doldrums and venture bravely into the exciting world of possibilities, rely on strength in numbers! Call a friend!


“Wait till they see us roll up to the club in this!”

Before the night-wind whistles, signaling the end of the day…


What happens in Disneyland… Stays in Disneyland.

Whatever you do, be it “ballin’ out of control,” as the kids say, or just enjoy your Sunday by reading archived posts on Comedy So Serious!, don’t let your hard earned freedom from the workaday toils escape you! For there is now, and now alone!

Gifs and Images via: here, here, here, here, here, and here

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