Happy New Year!!!

As unbelievable as it may seem, 2013 is coming to a close.

Next up:

“Damn! Just lost my wifi signal…”

And while time flies when you’re having fun, it started charging extra for baggage. Why, it seems like just yesterday when mix-tapes were actually on… tapes.

“Cool Nintendo cartridges, brah.”

And the future was brimming with possibility!

Introducing the iPhone 0.001

But we are a resilient bunch. Several billion bits of binary code have permeated our eyes and ears via the internet, showering us with good humor and merriment. The other several billion… Continue reading

Monday Miasma # 15

Hark! I hear an angel sing! Wait… Nope. Not an angel. That was the “Harp” alarm setting on my phone. That’s right…

It’s Monday.

Time for my morning commute… into oblivion.

On this last Monday of 2013, we reluctantly arise, donning the bifocals of the bizarre and peering past the mundane into a familiar world populated by strangers.

“We’re ready for launch, Commander.”

Though the slight to our dignity and self worth is relatively meager, the cumulative effect of a lifetime of Monday mornings can be deadly. This is why we invite you to join us in the transmutation of tedium, where memes really do come true.

There’s a party in my nightmare and errybody’s invited!

So refresh your cup of coffee and plunge wholeheartedly into it, finding solace in its caffeinated inner-cosmos.

Do you take the red pill, or the sugar cubes?

Together, along with the intercession of the internets, we can transform this raw, bitter brew of toilsome tonic into something altogether ambrosial. Or… some approximation thereof.

Close enough!

Here’s to the swift passage of Monday!

Gifs via: here, here, here, and here

Merry Christmas from Comedy So Serious!

Happy holidays from all of us at Comedy So Serious!


“They’ll never suspect a thing…”

The Christmas season is a time for family, giving, and love, which is why we’ve been drinking mimosas since 7am this morning. We wanted to thank you, the reader, for your continued interest in our modest operation.


What happens at the North Pole, stays at the North Pole.

As tradition dictates, Santa has emerged from his arctic clam to bestow gifts on the masses. Hopefully you’ve received your heart’s desires. If not…


Futilely, Santa claws…

Just a suggestion.

Have a lovely Christmas day, and a happy, healthy New Year!

Images via: here, here, and here.

Comedy So Christmas!

Ladies and gentlemen, readers, skimmers, and browsers alike…

Welcome to Comedy So Serious!’s Christmas Spectacular!!!

All I want for Christmas is the pain to stop.

“Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the towns, children were winked at, responding with frowns.”


“Such stockings were so hang, much stuffed with much gift. Very excitement. Such spirit, so lift.”

Rudolph the Wet Nosed Dogge

“When, suddenly, a sound rang out with such force, jarring and startling us from slumber’s sweet course. We rushed to the window, and what did we see? Jolly Saint Nick giving a kick to his steed!” Continue reading

Editorial: Planetary Alignment Decreases Earth’s Gravity ~ Hoax or Prank?!

News Hound reported on a bizarre and exhilarating cosmic event said to occur this coming January 4th, 2014. It’s called the “Jovian-Plutonian Gravitational Effect” and it occurs perhaps but once in a lifetime. Pluto will pass behind Jupiter, and the two cosmic bodies will be briefly aligned with Earth, causing a temporary fluctuation in Earth’s gravity.

Pictured: Our Solar System… and what appears to be a Black Hole of “Nooope!”

According to News Hound’s report, jumping at exactly 9:47 AM on January 4th will yield up to 3 seconds of “floating” before you touch down on solid ground. Just as many of you may be reading this with a measure of shock and awe, the Comedy So Serious! team expressed an embarrassing amount of childlike wonder at hovering in the air… and, more expectedly, at temporarily weighing less. I admit, I too was lured in by the prospect of an “on Earth space-walk,” but my well honed journalistic skepticism told me to do approximately two minutes of internet research. What I found might shock you… Or not. It’s total bullshit.

Patrick Moore: The H.G. Wells of Astronomy.

The gentleman above, purported to be a British astronomer by the name of Patrick Moore, allegedly cooked up this Jovian-Plutonian Gravitational scheme as an April Fools joke back in 1976. Though disappointment rang like a bell of bitterness when I briefed our staff on this editorial, there emerged a growing respect and admiration for this Astronomer’s vision. He, like us, wanted to see strangers acting the part of the fool, hopping through the streets of Britain, swearing up and down that they felt lighter and were “floating.”


Three cheers, Patrick Moore! Comedy So Serious! salutes you in your obvious disregard of astronomy in favor of screwing with people!

Articles and images via: here, here, here, and here

Monday Miasma # 14

Lo, and behold! The miasma of Monday is upon us once again!

If the workweek is a digestive track, then Monday is the primary cause of all allegorical acid-refulx.

Gimme a B! Gimme an A! Gimme a R! Gimme a F! What does that spell?!?!

The figurative face-plant that ensues scatters us in a myriad of directions, causing a small, invisible mutiny of motives within us. A hundred wishes wantonly wandering in different directions, seeking fulfillment that we intuit shan’t arrive.

“I’m up… I’m up. I’m down.”

And while we give our best at each juncture of challenge and opportunity, it seems that we are unable to perform the simple tasks required to function adequately.

Nailed it.

Continue reading

Wednesday Every Wednesday # 10

What’s that you say?!

It’s Wednesday?!?!

Dramatic chipmunk ain’t got nothing on her.

Yes, dear readers! Wednesday has arrived, bringing with it the sweet fragrance of Friday! The currents of our capitalistic confines are rapidly changing!

Very rapidly changing…

Today we deliver the sudden, fortuitous parry that thwarts the oncoming blow of the banal, sublimating our burdens into the potentiality of a weekend well spent!

Wednesday will knock you into next Thorsday!

With an animated tear in our frighteningly malformed faces, we await the sunset of the strained workweek. We’ve made it this far; there is only a short distance yet to be traveled by us, the worldweary and wondrous.

I’m so excited… and it’s literally impossible to hide it…

So rally your spirits! Gather your strength! And go forth into the fray! Before long, Friday will appear before us like the majestic unicorn of unrestraint that is!

“They see me rollin’, they hatin’…”

Gifs via: here, here, herehere, and here.. 

Gif Not Now, Then When # 16

Behold! The behemoth of boredom has reared its hideous head once again!

Custom reading glasses are so expensive.

It may seem that all we can do is hope and pray for a remedy to our humdrum routines, but that would be selling ourselves short. For the powers of intuition and intelligence are ever at our disposal!

Praydar activated!

We must awaken the 16 bit shark slumbering within each of us, and chomp down on the chum of the conventional!

The Great White Snark.

The search for power and inspiration must include the breaking of every block before us. The pursuit of profligacy must plunge into the depths of every pipe, taking us on a journey of unexplored underworlds.

Level Nic-thousand.

For inspiration, like a virulent virus, is contagious. The light we seek to radiate must emanate from within before it can be shared or seen by the world.

Transmission of the lamp.

Despite undo hardships, rigorous writer’s block, and delirium inducing doldrums, we must endure. Here’s hoping that this small measure of Gif-ery shakes lose a few leaves from the branches of the banal, dropping the acorns of awakening into the soil of creative satisfaction!

Gifs via: here, here, here, here, and here

Monday Miasma # 13

It’s everybody’s favorite day of the week… To despise and decry!


You knew it was coming, yet somehow that didn’t make it any less diabolical…

If you’re anything like us here at Comedy So Serious! then you’re feeling a bit of the doldrums today, despite still being alive against all cosmic odds. The universe is not without its sadistic side, perfecting biological vessels of awareness and intelligence over the course of billions of years of evolutionary trial and error for what appears to be a swift kick in the pants.

Galaxies in motion.

We are, however, adaptive creatures, finding multitudinous methods to cope with the repetitious appearance of this most miasmic of weekdays. Among the various ways available to us for managing the stresses and suppositions placed upon us, we still strongly recommend the time honored tradition of freaking the fuck out, to use the parlance of our time.

We call this one: “The Capitalist’s Convulsion!”

Take a note from the page of the puerile, and let your inner child flail with all of the freedoms at your disposal! Monday’s corrosive cumulus cloud of monotony will pass in time, and although we can’t speed up the process, we might be able to lighten the load with some internet inanity!

Gifs via: here, here, and here

Freaky Friday (The 13th) # 11


It’s Friday… The 13th

Cue the requisite references!

Much like Jason Voorhees, all of us can relate to the burden of being dealt a raw deal. Who among us hasn’t walked under a ladder, our vision obscured due to the penumbra of an opened umbrella, and startled a black cat who in turn startled us, causing a chain reaction that culminated in the breaking of a mirror? Who, I ask you!

The only real curse for this is having to spend 7 years in the ER.

The troublesome toils of our tiresome efforts are, in mere hours, going to yield to a weekend of restorative relaxation. The convergence of a rapidly dwindling workweek and a culturally auspicious, maligned calendar date afford us an almost assuredly weird and wonderful weekend!

“Hee-Hee” (Haw)!!!

We here at Comedy So Serious! hope that you’re weekend is as memorable and majestic as this midget-mustang’s moonwalk!

Gifs via: here and here