Halloween Countdown: 20 Days and Haunting

The anticipation is mounting. The euphoric, mischievous, air of Halloween is palpable. Can you feel it?


Feel it! Feel it!

The maddening search for costumes is under way.


Slutty Nurse got nuthin’ on these murder-mice.

The bittersweet song of the autumn harvest is playing, stirring the undead from their slumber!


Ladies and Gentlemen… The Rolling Bones!

And we, the living, are as the moth to the flame… Drawn in by an undeniable obsession with the macabre, helplessly succumbing to the spell of mortality.

Bat hair day.

But, to quote a famous saying, “Aint no party like a zombie party, ’cause a zombie party don’t stop!”

What hath we wrought?

Editor’s note: to stop a zombie party one must destroy the brain of any undead attendees by either crushing or otherwise removing the head. Comedy So Serious! is not responsible for any Zombie Party related injuries. 

Gifs and Images via: here, here, here, and here.